Loyalty Member
The savings add up for Bellwether members with our line of Loyalty Member Benefits. The more you bank with Bellwether, the more you will be rewarded with special rate discounts, premium certificate rates, and cashback offers built specifically for you with our Loyalty Member Benefits program.

Loyalty Pays
With Loyalty Pays™, you’ll receive a 0.25% rate discount on your next vehicle, personal, or home improvement loan when you currently have an eligible Bellwether loan*. That loyalty discount rate will save you money every month.
- 0.25% APR* rate discount on second or subsequent loans
- Includes auto, boat, RV, motorcycle, personal and home improvement loans
- APR discount remains for the life of the loan
- Must have had an active loan within the last 12 months*
*Bellwether members who currently have a mortgage, auto, boat, RV, motorcycle, personal, or home improvement loan are eligible to receive a discount on their next vehicle, personal, or home improvement loan. Visa products and personal lines of credit are excluded. Easy Street Loans are not eligible for discounts. Approval based on creditworthiness. Consumer borrowers only. Cannot be combined with any other loan discount. Cannot be applied to the refinance of a BCCU loan. Rate discount promotion is subject to change without notice.
Loyalty Pays Premium Certificate Rate
Earn more on your Certificates with the Loyalty Pays™ Premium Certificate Rate; a special rate premium determined monthly when an eligible product meets the qualifications.
Each new or renewal certificate in standard terms of 12, 24, 36, 48, or 60 months are eligible.
The membership of the eligible certificate must have an active consumer checking account and active debit card, with a minimum of one debit card transaction in the current month to qualify for the special rate premium that month. Qualification is determined monthly, prior to the calculation and payment of periodic dividends.
*Any month during which the eligible certificate does not meet the qualifications, the certificate dividend calculation and posted dividend at the end of the month will not include this special rate premium and will revert to the standard dividend rate. The Loyalty Pays™ Premium Certificate Rate program and special premium rates can be changed at any time. Insured by the NCUA.
Loyalty Cashback
Enjoy rewards built for you with Bellwether's Loyalty Cashback, the program that allows you to earn cash back automatically when you shop with your Bellwether debit card at participating retailers.*
You'll receive an email from time to time with special cash back offers from participating retailers. Simply use your Bellwether debit card in-store or online to earn cashback for each qualifying transaction. These offers are customized for you, our loyal member, so you can earn rewards when shopping at participating retailers.

*Bellwether Loyalty Cashback is offered through a third party and can change or be canceled at any time. Incentives are only earned through debit card usage on eligible purchases. Bellwether is not responsible or liable for any product or services provided by the retailers. Forfeiture of incentives earned but not received if the Bellwether account is closed.