Take a Break from Payments
We understand life can get complicated, and “adulting” is hard. Sometimes your monthly income just doesn't stretch far enough to cover everything, and other times you simply need some extra cash to cover an unexpected expense. Wouldn't it be nice if you could skip that car, boat, or RV loan payment just for a month to lower your stress level a little?
That’s why Bellwether developed our Skip-A-Pay program, which lets members skip an eligible loan payment for one month.

NOTE: Mortgages, home equity lines of credit, unsecured personal loans, personal lines of credit, home improvement loans, and credit card accounts are not eligible for Skip-A-Pay at this time. Other exclusions may apply. Must be a member in good standing with all loans current (less than 15 days past due in the past 12 months) to participate in Bellwether Community Credit Union’s Skip-A-Payment Program. This program is not available on loans during the first six (6) months of the loan agreement. Only one payment can be skipped per 12 month period per loan and up to a maximum of three (3) per loan term. Loans with Gap Insurance may only skip a maximum of two (2) payments per term. There is a non-refundable $35 service fee to skip each payment on each loan. The following are eligible loan types: New and Used Auto, New and Used Motorcycle, Recreational Vehicle, Boat.