Make a Payment
Setting Up Your Payment in Online Banking
Follow the instructions below to set up payment of your loan via Online Banking. If you need further assistance please call our Contact Center at 1-866-996-9828 during normal business hours.
If you already have Online Banking set up, skip down to Make a Loan Payment below to get started!
- From our home page, click on the Log In/Enroll button in the top right hand corner and click on Enroll in Online Banking, located above the login button.
- Enter your Last Name, Social Security Number (SSN), Date of Birth (DOB) - use the four digit year when entering DOB (September 4th, 1975 would be entered as 09/04/1975), Zip Code, Email Address and Requested Login ID. Username must be at least eight characters including at least one number. Choose a Login ID that will be easy for you to remember.
- Once you are done, click continue.
- You will then be prompted to get a Secure Access Code, which you can have sent to you via email, text or phone call.
- After you enter the Secure Access Code, you'll be prompted to create a password, after which your account is set up.