Courtesy Pay
Overdraft Protection
Mistakes happen. We get it. That’s why Bellwether offers Courtesy Pay, an overdraft protection service available to eligible members. If you accidentally overdraw your checking account, we will cover eligible overdrafts up to $500 so your transaction can be processed as you requested. Types of transactions covered include Share Drafts (checks) and Withdrawals; ACH (Electronic) Transactions; Debit Card Purchases; and ATM Withdrawals.

Courtesy Pay Eligibility
- Membership must be open for at least 60 days
Checking account must be open for at least 30 days
Total deposits to checking account must equal at least $500 within the previous 31 days
- Primary member must be 18 or older
- A maximum of two accounts can carry Courtesy Pay, with a limit of $500 on each account
Limit of three repayment plans
Which Accounts Offer Courtesy Pay?
Courtesy Pay is available for eligible checking accounts. You have two options for Courtesy Pay; you can choose both or either one:
- Courtesy Pay for checks and automated clearing house/electronic payments
- Courtesy Pay for debit card and ATM transactions
If you have a business account with Bellwether, you’re automatically enrolled in our Courtesy Pay. If you would like to opt out, fill out the Business Courtesy Pay Opt Out form.

Courtesy Pay Fees & Limits
Bellwether provides overdraft protection for up to two accounts and will cover $500 maximum per account.
Courtesy Pay is subject to a fee of $19 per overdraft (with a $100 per day maximum charge). For each instance, we'll provide:
- Protection from merchant returned check charges
- Protection of your credit
Not to mention, we'll spare you some of the embarrassment that comes from having insufficient funds!
Other Options for Overdraft Protection
Transferring Funds from a Bellwether Savings Account
If you have a savings account with Bellwether, you can set up automatic transfers. When you overdraw another account, funds will be automatically transferred from your savings account to cover the overdraft. If you sign up for Courtesy Pay in addition to automatic transfers, we'll always draw money from your savings account first before we use Courtesy Pay funds (and you won't be subject to the $30 fee).
Accessing Funds Available from a Line of Credit
If you have a line of credit with Bellwether, you can apply to have your available credit used as overdraft protection. If you sign up for line of credit transfers and Courtesy Pay, we'll always draw funds from your line of credit first before we use Courtesy Pay funds to cover overdrafts.
What negates my Courtesy Pay eligibility?
You are 30 days past due on any Bellwether loan or delinquent loan on any other obligation to the credit union
You are subject to legal or administrative orders, or are currently a party in a bankruptcy proceeding
You have a past due balance on a Courtesy Pay Repayment Plan
An extended hold is being placed on your checking account or any other account relationship, in which case your Courtesy Pay service may be suspended without prior notice
A ChexSystems inquiry includes a negative indicator, or any other negative indicator is present
Your account is classified as inactive or dormant
You already have two membership accounts with outstanding Courtesy Pay balances
The mailing address we have on file for you is not current, and we are receiving returned mail
You will be given 30 days from the date of the occurrence to bring your account back into the positive. For Courtesy Pay balances over $100, there are repayment plans available.
What is the Courtesy Pay balance repayment schedule?
$100.01 - $250 - 2 months
$250.01 - $375 - 3 months
$375.01 - $500 - 4 months
Do I have to repay Courtesy Pay debt?
You agree that Bellwether Community Credit Union may (without prior notice and when permitted by law) charge against and deduct from your accounts any due and payable debt owed to us now or in the future by any individual(s) having the right of withdrawal, to the extent of such persons' or legal entity's right to withdraw. If the debt arises from a note, "any due and payable debt" includes the total amount of which we are entitled to demand payment under the terms of the note at the time we charge the account, including any balance the due date for which we properly accelerate under the note.
In addition to these contract rights, we may also have rights under a "statutory lien." A "lien" on property is a creditor's right to obtain ownership of the property in the event a debtor defaults on a debt. A "statutory lien" is one created by federal or state statutes. If federal or state law provides us with a statutory lien, then we are authorized to apply, without prior notice, your shares and dividends to any debt you owe us in accord with the statutory lien.
Neither our contract rights nor rights under a statutory lien apply to this account if: (a) it is an individual retirement account or other tax-deferred retirement account, or (b) the debt is created by a consumer credit transaction under a credit card plan (but this does not affect our rights under any consensual security interest), or (c) the debtor's right of withdrawal arises only in a representative capacity. We will not be liable for the dishonor of any check or draft when the dishonor occurs because we charge and deduct the amount you owe us from your account. You agree to hold us harmless from any claim arising as a result of our exercise of our right to repayment.
In what order does Bellwether make payments?
The law permits us to pay items (such as checks or drafts) drawn on your account in any order. To assist you in handling your account with us, we are providing you with the following information regarding how we process the items that you write. When processing items drawn on your account, our policy is to pay them in the order that they are received. The order in which items are paid is important if there is not enough money in your account to pay all of the items that are presented. There is no policy that is favorable in every instance. If the smallest items are paid first, you may have fewer NSF or overdraft fees, but the largest and perhaps more important items (such as your rent or mortgage payments) might not be paid. If an item is presented without sufficient funds in your account to pay it, we may, at our discretion, pay the item (through Courtesy Pay, creating an overdraft) or return the item (NSF). The amounts of the overdraft and NSF fees are disclosed elsewhere. By paying items in the order that we receive them, we think our policy attains a reasonable balance between minimizing additional costs to you and paying for your more important items. We encourage you to make careful records and practice good account management. This will help you to avoid writing checks or drafts without sufficient funds and incurring the resulting fees.