Club Accounts

Save Ahead of Time
Our mission is to help you reach your financial goals, whether it’s buying those holiday gifts or taking that much-needed vacation. To help you set aside funds for these occasions, we offer a variety of club savings accounts. It’s an easy and safe way to save for those special events and impending expenditures.
Holiday Club
- Start between October and the end of the year
- Automatic or pay-as-you-go deposit options
- Deposit from payroll, transfers, or in person
- Dividends earned on a daily balance of $100 or more
You’ll be ready for the holidays, stress-free.

Vacation Club
Just like the Holiday Club, except you can open a vacation club savings account any time of the year, and you determine when you want the funds to be withdrawn. It’s the perfect choice for vacations, a specific event, or a nest egg for something special.
What is a club account?
A dividend-bearing savings account offered by Bellwether for members looking to save for a particular purpose, such as the holidays or a vacation.
Why should I use a club account?
It helps you save for a particular purpose and manage your money accordingly.